VitrA Fix products
continue to be used reliably in many projects
across 49 countries around the world...

The main objective of our organization, which operates in the field of construction products, is to continuously improve all our business processes with the participation of all our employees by setting our quality goals for the achievement of excellent work results.

To achieve this,

While realizing our fundamental purpose, which we express as "providing systematic solutions to the construction sector", we are committed to establishing an effective “Quality Management System” in all activities to add value to our customers and achieve successful financial results. We serve our customers, which we consider as our reason for existence, with the principle of “The customer is the only selector” adopted by all our employees. In this regard, we aim to comply with national and international standard requirements, develop preventive approaches as well as corrective activities, and ensure continuous improvement and development.

We will increase the motivation and satisfaction of our employees by recognizing/appreciating the efforts and achievements of employees in a timely manner, and by giving importance to being open to innovation, continuous learning, and development.

As VitrA Fix Building Chemicals, we commit to utilizing all our resources in this direction.